dialogue: how can we say it?

task description: hello this week we are learning about dialogue and how we can use words other than said. is my writing task we are working on emotions and it part of our work. so it’s with six emotions happy excited anger sad humor and questionable here is my work thank you for looking at this blog post leave a positive comment thank you.

show me 4 way

task description: this week our class is learning about times tables and this is the last day of week one cause I could not finish it on Thursday. also we have a new warm up math’s site. going on this is a blog post about times table and there is four ways you can do times tables you can add and group and array it and the very easy one is skip count. thank you for reading my blog post and leave a positive comment. thank you

emotion train

task desrciption it’s similar to the color task so this what you have to do you just take six emotional like angry happy proud sad embarrassed disgusted pictures of yourself and then blog it when your done doing the work task

emotion work

this is my emotion work I worked hard that’s all I can say and in this work slide we have to work on the colors of emotion there are five colors to work on (red orange yellow blue green)